Toolchain For Building C and C++ Applications Docker Image

Developer Toolchain is part of the Red Hat Software Collections and the Toolchain is a subset of tools usable for building C and C++ applications. Docker container based on Red Hat Software Collection packages is available as rhscl/devtoolset-6-toolchain-rhel7 in Docker container based on CentOS packagess is available as centos/devtoolset-6-toolchain-centos7 in the Docker Hub.


Developer Toolset from Red Hat Software Collections provides various tools for C and C++ developers. The Toolchain part of the Developer Toolset contains tools for building such applications (GCC compiler for C and C++, GDB, gfortran compiler, etc.). Perftools part contains then tools for debugging and further analysis of the applications (oprofile, valgrind, systemtap, etc.).


Suppose you have a source for a C application in the /src/app directory on the host and that we use the RHEL-based variant (Docker image called rhscl/devtoolset-6-toolchain-rhel7). To build such application you can mount the application sources to the container and run appropriate tools interactively:

docker run -ti --rm -v /src/app:/opt/app-root/src:z rhscl/devtoolset-6-toolchain-rhel7 bash
bash-4.3$ gcc -o foo -ggdb -g2 foo.c

That will compile one file from /src/app using GCC from container with options -ggdb -g2.

To run make non-interactively, run:

docker run -ti --rm -v $PWD:/opt/app-root/src:z rhscl/devtoolset-6-toolchain-rhel7 make

That will compile the project from current directory using make utility.

In both cases above user must ensure that the directory where GCC will write data into is writable for the user used inside the container (by default UID 1001).

Environment variables and volumes

You can set the following mount points by passing the -v /host:/container flag to Docker.

Volume mount point Description
/opt/app-root Directory for application sources


The error log or standard log if container is run non-interactively is available in the container log. The log can be examined by running:

docker logs <container>

See also

Dockerfile and other sources for this container image are available on In that repository, Dockerfile for CentOS is called Dockerfile, Dockerfile for RHEL is called Dockerfile.rhel7.